Therapy Animals of San Antonio

 Bringing People and Animals Together for Healing

 Bringing People and Animals Together for Healing

For questions related to donations please contact [email protected]


myVolunteePage Instructions

** From the Therapy Animals Of San Antonio website (, click on the tab labeled “MEMBERSHIP”. From the drop down menu, select ACCESS VOLUNTEER PROFILE/LOG VOLUNTEER HOURS


Click on the word, “ACCESS” on this page.

** You will see a page like this:

** Enter your Username and Password and click ‘Login’ and you will be taken into your personal page.

At the bottom right of the above screen, you will see a box called ‘Files’. If you click on SEE ALL FILES, you can see a list of files available for viewing, including this file, other instruction files and various forms and informational files.

Always remember when entering information or updating information, you must click SAVE or the information will not be retained.

** Click on the MY PROFILE drop down tab (Far right) and Select ‘CONTACT INFORMATION’.

** Enter your phone numbers and email addresses here. If you would like, you can upload a photo to be displayed here.

Using the MY PROFILE drop down tab, click on the ADDITIONAL INFO. If you are a Registered Therapy Team, you will see information about your animal(s), registration expiration dates and other notes here. This information is only changed by people with administrative clearance.

** Using the MY PROFILE drop down tab, click on QUALIFICATIONS to see Membership Status, Therapy Team Status, StoryTails Status, or other qualifications.

** Using the MY PROFILE drop down tab, click on CHANGE PASSWORD if you wish to change your password.

** Using the MY PROFILE drop down tab, click on INTERESTS to see a list of areas you can check off where you have a particular interest or skills that could be useful to the organization.

** Using the MY PROFILE drop down tab, click on AVAILABILITY to indicate if you are only available to help/volunteer on certain days or at certain times.

** Using the MY PROFILE drop down tab, click on GOALS if you wish to set specific hours goals for yourself.

The two selections on the MY PROFILE drop down tab called ORGANIZATIONS and MERGE PROFILE would never be used unless you happen to volunteer with another organization utilizing the same volunteer system.

** From the same line of tabs where you selected MY PROFILE, click on the SCHEDULE tab to see what facilities you are currently visiting or other things you have been assigned to, like Pooch Parade.

** From the same line of tabs where you selected MY PROFILE, click on the HOURS tab to record your volunteer hours:

** From the same line of tabs where you selected MY PROFILE, click on the REPORTS tab to view reports/graphs of hours you have entered or to run reports of your hours for specific periods.

** From the same line of tabs where you selected MY PROFILE, click on the CONTACT tab if you need to contact an administrative person. (any board member with admin clearance)